About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The International Journal of Applied Business Research (IJABR) is an academic journal in the field of business, published by Politeknik Negeri Bandung (Bandung State Polytechnic), Indonesia. This journal is intended to foster and stimulate the exchange of scholarly thought on applied business research issues among professionals and academics throughout the world. IJABR welcomes articles in all areas of business research, both applied and theoretical. For theoretical articles, they must provide a clear link between theory and important and interesting business applications. The IJABR is published twice a year: January and July. It only accepts and reviews the manuscripts that have not been published previously (in any language) and are not being reviewed for possible publication in other journals. This journal is an open-access journal that can be one of the essential readings for academic researchers and business professionals. Articles may include but are not limited to the fields of:
- Marketing
- Human resources
- Business law
- Business ethics
- Operation/production
- Other related business fields
Types of Publication
The IJABR accepts the following forms of publications:
Regular article
A regular article should normally be between 6000 to 8000 words. However, major research articles with more than 8000 words are also welcomed and shorter papers will also be considered. The regular articles, along with the Research Notes and Case Studies, are subject to a double-blind peer-review process. Submissions will be reviewed by at least two anonymous reviewers.
Research note
A research note is a discussion note, intended to advance a new business idea, theoretical perspective, research program, or methodological issue. There is no specific format for a research note, so the author is expected to present the note in a format that is most suitable for the issue being discussed. The length of research notes is typically 1500 to 2500 words.
Case study
A case study of best business practices typically have around 1000 to 2500 words. A case study’s contribution is predominantly oriented to practical application and is not expected to further theoretical development in the business field. Rather, a case study often demonstrates how theoretical concepts can be applied in the management of one or more business enterprises.
Book review
A book review should have up to 2000 words and contain the following information: author(s) or editor(s) for edited books, title, publisher, ISBN, year of publication, number of pages, original language of publication, resume of the content, and an informed review of how this book contributes to business knowledge
Doctoral dissertation
The IJABR publishes extended abstracts of successfully defended Ph.D. theses in business studies prior to the completion date. The extended abstracts should not be more than 2000 words and are not subject to review. They must include the following information: author, the affiliation of the author, contact details of the author, title of the dissertation, supervisor, institution awarding the Ph.D. degree, date of defense, goals, and objectives of the dissertation, methodology, results, theoretical conclusions, practical applications of the dissertation, and content of the dissertation (including abstracts for each chapter). The extended abstract must be accompanied by an official letter from the supervisor that the resume correctly represents the content of the dissertation.
Editorial articles or notes are written by Editorial Board Members or Invited Guest Editors across a variety of current subjects of interest to the journal readership and should fall within the scope of the journal. The content may be supported by tables and graphs if necessary. Editorial pieces include a title, authors and their affiliations, corresponding author details, text description and analyses, conclusions, and references.