Linking Religiosity and Job Performance in Islamic Rural Banks

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Aldy Mochammad Faiz Raksayudha
Regina Agustina


Religiousity, Employee Engagement, Job satisfaction, Job performance, Islamic Bank


Islamic banking is a dynamic segment in the banking industry. However, although having enormous potential, Islamic banks, especially micro banks which have emerged only recently, are perceived as less popular and as less experienced than conventional banking. Therefore, they need a proper strategy to compete and have a high performance compared to their competitors. To conduct this research, 250 Islamic bank employees were gathered using a self-administered questionnaire in West Java Province, Indonesia. This research examines the construct validity and reliability by applying variance-based Structural Equation Modeling (SEM-PLS). This method was used to verify the model that has been proposed. This research shows that Religiosity directly and indirectly affects the job performance in Islamic Rural Bank. This study is also intended to assess the effect of religiosity on job performance through strengthening employee job satisfaction and employee engagement. It also gives a reference for the managers of Islamic Bank that in the recruitment of employees they must also observe their individual religiosity beside their working ability. Then, it needs to be considered and improved to increase their performance and to make it in accordance with the standards expected by the company


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